My First Week as a Software Engineer

I CAN’T BELIEVE IT THAT I AM A REAL SOFTWARE ENGINEER! I recently started my new journey as a software engineer at RNWBL, a start-up specializing in building technology for field services in renewable energy. I was extremely nervous starting this role because I was getting extreme imposters syndrome, but I was also extremely excited since I have been dreaming about this moment for the past 2 years. Overall, the first week at RNWBL was a whirlwind of new experiences, challenges, and opportunities. Here’s what I learned during my first seven days at the company.

1. The Culture is Dynamic and Fast Paced

One of the first things that struck me about RNWBL was the dynamic and fast paced everything was being implemented. When I was in my first role at Shell as a Business Performance Analyst. I didn’t get to work on a real task (and it was a really easy task) until about 1 months into my role. In addition, I felt like I had to fit into the Shell culture. In my current role, I already completed 8 stories and already worked on front end, back end, middleware, and cloud services, which was all fairly new to me. And, I feel like I can be myself at work and my team is willing to adapt to my needs.

 2. The Work is Challenging and Rewarding

I will be working on developing and maintaining RNWBL’s software application, which is still in the soft launch phase. The platform is critical to the company’s success, and I am excited to be a part of the team responsible for building the next phase of the company. The work is challenging, but it is also incredibly rewarding. I am learning new skills and technologies every day, and I am already starting to see the impact of my contributions on the platform.

3. The Impact is Meaningful

Quick story about me. I live in the Oil and Gas capital of the world: Houston, Texas. When I was growing up, oil and gas was stamped into my head since every I knew growing up was working in that field. But as I grew older, I started to learn the harm that oil and gas has done to my community and other communities across the world. To me, it is one of the most important problems to be working on. As I was graduating from my first degree, I was recruited into Shell by Shell’s President of North America to help transition them into sustainable energy. While I was working at Shell, I saw how the extremely slow their progress and how resistant current employees were toward achieving sustainable energy. I knew I had to leave to another company. Next, I found Engie, who was making a larger effort to transition to sustainable energy, but their progress was still very slow. This is all to say that I truly hope RNWBL is successful because I know how important this mission is to me and everyday truly matters.

In conclusion, my first week at RNWBL was an unforgettable experience. The dynamic and supportive work culture, challenging and rewarding work, fast-paced and exciting environment, and meaningful impact is what I have been searching for my career. I can’t wait to see what the future holds and what I can help build. 

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