Third Source

Japanese Aesthetics of Packaging 

Yuriko Saito is a professor of philosophy at Rhode Island School of Design and was born and raised in Japan where she got her Arts Degree.  She didn’t quit there though, Yuriko went on to receive her PhD in Philosophy with a minor in Japanese literature.  She went on to write many different books and articles on aesthetics and has many on Japanese aesthetics.  She’s also presented at many different universities on her studies and findings that include the U.S, Japan, and Finland. 

Within this article on Japanese aesthetics within their packaging design, I found a few key terms and sections to most likely be important in my research.  There’s a section on “Miegakure” design which I feel will explain a popular design and art aesthetic used by Japanese artists and designers.  There’s many other design aesthetics that are varying like “Noren” and “Kami” that are also discussed and greatly described.  This article also explains how Japanese creations consider the “recipient’s experience” when designing as well as the respect for the material that they use within their design. 

Saito, Yuriko. “Japanese Aesthetics of Packaging.” The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, vol. 57, no. 2, 1999, pp. 257–265. JSTOR, Accessed 13 Feb. 2021.
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