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Japanese Design: Art, Aesthetics & Culture by Patricia Graham

Patricia Graham was a former professor and museum curator who specialized in Japanese art, who also conducted research at the University of Kansas.  As well as being a scholar of Japanese art she has also lectured on East Asian studies and is a professional consultant and appraiser for Asian art for institutions, businesses, and collectors.  She has been awarded many fellowships relating to the study of Japan and Asian culture which includes the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership, the Asian Cultural Council, the Fulbright Program, and the National Endowment for Humanities.  She has also published two other Asian and Japanese art books that were published by the University of Hawaii. 

This book will be very helpful in my research on Japanese Design because it covers almost every aspect of Japanese Design from Shibui (which was my original goal of covering in this research paper) as well as Wabi Sabi (a close second to what I wanted to look into for my research paper) and many other aspects of Japanese Art and Design.  Japanese Design: Art, Aesthetics & Culture also cover the cultural parameters in Japanese design which I feel will help me in my research of where Japanese designers draw inspiration from or what design rules they might follow that differ from the American ones we are taught in school.

On top of covering the differing wings of Japanese Design and also the cultural scopes of where these design aesthetics come from or originate, this book also covers the history of early Japanese or artistic Japanese history spanning from the 1830s-1950s.  While doing research I can refer to the imagery that is included throughout the book when showcasing the different design styles that Japanese artists and creators use, which will be helpful in my research and will also give me material to refer to within my own paper.

Graham, Patricia. Japanese Design : Art, Aesthetics & Culture, Tuttle Publishing, 2014. ProQuest Ebook Central,
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