Financial Analysis Initial Thoughts

For a long time I have dreamed of owning an equine boarding facility. Since this project is looking at a dream we have, even if it may never happen, a boarding facility is what I would like to focus on.

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Gender Lens Initial Thoughts

I am excited to look into the gender history of Lego. I feel that initially Lego was marketed more for boys because of the building/engineering aspect behind them. I look forward to seeing if my hunch is correct.

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Cultural Research Initial Thoughts

My initial thought for this project is that I would love to do more research on Marie Curie. I briefly skimmed over her history in a previous class and would love to learn more about her and her work.

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Week 1

So far my blog set up experience has been very easy. I was able to quickly follow the instructions and had no confusion. Overall, at this early date, I would say I am good to go with this blog. 🙂

I also had no problem setting up an email signature, though I don’t normally use a signature it was still easy to set up.

As for the text to speech function, my computer fought me tooth and nail to be able to use this function. It might be because of this fight with my computer that colored my vision but I did not like listening to my web pages.

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