Gender Lens Digital Camera

I’m thrilled that I got Digital Camera’s for my Gender Lens project. I love taking photos and have a lower end digital camera that is great when it is working properly.

I think my research is going well. I found a Sony press release stating that their research shows women buy more digital cameras than men. Unfortunately this press release is from 2005 and I am having a little trouble finding updated information. I also found an article that discussed a little bit of the difference in how men and women take pictures.

I found a great timeline for digital cameras at Time Toast. This timeline gave me a great base and place to start. Something I found very interesting was the first photo taken with a “fully digital camera” was taken by Steven Sasson on December 1, 1975. The first digital camera sold commercially was by Fujix in January of 1988. The resolution was only 0.4 MP. In 2000 the Sony Mavica CD1000 was released. This camera had a resolution of 1.92MP and wrote the picture data to mini CD’s. The Pentax 645D was released in 2010 and boasted 39.51MP.

I am preparing some questions and plan to contact a librarian next week. I have been saving sources in my favorites bar on my internet and in a word document for now. I usually use Citation Machine to put my citations into APA format.


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