Category Archives: UI

Why Software Usability Heuristics are Important

One aspect of software engineering I like is the User Interface. I think a product is only as good as the UI. If a user can’t figure it out, or the UI doesn’t touch functionality built into the code, then the product becomes less useful. Personally, I like simplicity for users, with the option of diving deeper into a UI if a user is more advanced or interested in it.

I would say I’m a more advance software user. I am always that person helping family members and friends setup software or edit software they’re using. I enjoy looking more into all the settings of a website so I can use it to the best of my abilities.

One thing that is important to me is the idea of being able to do something that the application “seems” like it should do. For example, if I’m using the github desktop app, I would expect it to be able to connect to my github account, link local repos with a master repo, review pull requests, etc. Anything I need for this type of project, I would expect that app to be able to do.

I’m a fairly new user of Slack. Before, I’ve never really had a need to use it, until I started working on my capstone project. The sponsor I am working with uses slack to communicate. Sounds good to me, I’ll join.

So far, so good. Up until I decided to venture off and build my own workspace, as they call it. Just to test it out and see what it could do. After playing around with it, I was ready to delete it. I’m using it through the slack app on my phone. I’m searching, and searching and searching some more, but I can’t find anything about workspace settings. This is something that I “feel” should be part of the app. Can I only create workspaces, but not delete them?!? That seems ridiculous.

Turn to Google. I look up how to delete a workspace. Finally find directions, but you have to do it through the Slack desktop app. Ok, weird, but sure. Download the app for my laptop. Finally get to the admin settings. Which, (face palm), takes me to a their website! Why did their own directions tell me to download the app, just to take me back to the same website??

This, to me, seems like a bad setup. The phone app should at least have some of the options on it to delete a workspace, and if not, have a link to that website I ended up at. Not directions to extra steps in the middle!

Rant over.

Anyways, my point is, an app should be able to do what you think it should. I know that’s a general statement, but I think it rings true. If you build something, make it all inclusive across all it’s apps, and if you can’t, at least try to cut down unnecessary steps. Keep it simple.