Discover Oregon Seafood Tours

Hello again!

Discover Oregon Seafood Tours have kicked off. We began in Port Orford and have put on tours in Brookings, Charleston and Garibaldi. Each port is unique in its layout, economics, and catch – and it’s been a fun challenge to figure out how to highlight that during each tour.

Though we can’t guarantee one can buy fish off the dock, we scheduled these Discover Oregon Seafood tours with an intent to increase the chances of overlapping with albacore tuna season. If we were lucky we would have vessels selling direct to consumers, and lucky we were. Port Orford, Charleston, and Brookings all have vessels selling off the boat, and it’s an invaluable educational opportunity to be able to point out where tour attendees can purchase locally sourced seafood. Direct marketing is an instance where you can know where your seafood comes from, and we encourage tour attendees to come back to these vessels after the tour to purchase seafood.

Our tour attendees have been engaged and equipped with thoughtful questions and insights into the specific port the program’s taking place in. At times, a group gets a chance to talk with a fisherman face to face. It’s clear that being able to hear from an industry professional is one of the most interesting parts of their tour experience. Seeing that connection being fostered is really fulfilling. I’ve enjoyed being able to interface with so many different people and perspectives as I continue to lead these tours.

Discover Oregon Seafood Tours are a series of pilot programs, so ironing out the kinks is to be expected. What I learn from any missteps will be helpful for program improvement in the following years. As these tours continue, I am sure they will continue to become more and more streamlined. The last tours of the season will occur during Labor Day weekend, and end for the summer in Garibaldi on September 13th.

I hope to see you there!

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