Remind us what your project is:
This summer I am working for the Oregon Coastal Ocean Information Network (OCOIN) on outreach projects.
What have you been doing in your first few weeks on the job?
Lately we have been working a lot on the newsletter, annual meeting, and technical updates.
Describe your daily routine in the time of COVID-19 remote (or in person) work:
I usually start my day with a meeting either with OCOIN staff or a another agency. I then break for lunch then work the rest of the afternoon on my projects.
Do you work 8 hours straight?
I definitely try not to work 8 hours straight! I sometimes have to take a mid-day night just to give my eyes a break.
Do you multitask?
I like to listen to a podcast while I work. Some of my favorites are Crime Junkie, This Land, OPB (all things considered section).
Do you have “coffee” with colleagues/co-workers/other interns?
Yes! OCOIN has three interns this summer so meet every Friday morning and talk about our favorite books, our pets, our OCOIN projects and anything else that pops up. We don’t usually set an agenda which is nice because we just talk about what is happening in our lives. The Friday morning meetings help facilitate some of the interactions I would have hoped to have working with a team in the office.
How often do you check in with your supervisor?
I check in with my supervisors at least twice a week. The nice thing about the OCOIN committee is that there area several of them to ask for help or get guidance/advice from!
How often are team meetings?
We have at least one team meeting a week but as we get closer to the annual meeting we will probably have more.
How do you stay motivated (exercise breaks, phone calls with friends, walking meetings…)?
OCOIN uses a platform that organizes all the team members and their tasks which is ironically called Teamwork. This platform is very useful for staying motivated because it provides you with progress reports and details about your tasks at hand. I also take breaks and tend to my plants, I have attached one of my creations but there are many more!
What is one downside or your COVID-19 work routine?
I think the one downside to the COVID work routine is that the screen time is making me very tired when I log off for the day and I don’t stay up as late to do the personal things I want.
What is one upside of your COVID-19 work routine?
Because my project is remote I have enjoyed making my own schedule so that I can take care of things for myself and still get a days work in. I think most work a modified schedule right now which is super cool because you could email someone at 10 pm and they might get back to you right away!
It sounds like your first few weeks are off to a good start! I think it’s awesome that you and the other OCOIN interns make sure to check in on each other once a week.