What’s new on the Pauling Blog? Deer Flat Ranch, A Kind of Paradise

Linus Pauling harvesting abalone, 1963.

Linus Pauling harvesting abalone, 1963.

In the years immediately following Linus and Ava Helen Pauling’s purchase of Deer Flat Ranch, the space quickly fulfilled its potential as a refuge from an extremely busy existence. A few years after buying the property, Ava Helen told her husband

Do you know, we have been here for one week, you and I, without seeing a single other person? This is the first time in our 40-odd years of marriage that this has happened.

More than a refuge even, the ranch gradually emerged as a kind of paradise for the Paulings. One could reliably harvest ten abalone off the adjacent rocks at low tide, and Linus found that he greatly enjoyed harvesting these sea snails with his wife, pounding them shoreside to tenderize them for dinner.

Read the whole post on the Pauling Blog!

This is part 2 of 3 in “The story of Deer Flat Ranch.”

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