Crispy Entrepreneurship Magazine

I’m very excited to inaugurate this magazine ! Crispy Entrepreneurship magazine is a collection of articles, podcasts, and videos that have the interesting taste for curious minds of entrepreneurs and small business leaders.

 Crispy Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurs share many interests, let it be specific news topics, educational material about business planning and operations or specific skills or apps that relate to our daily lives. Fortunately, there is plenty out there. But not precisely at one place. For the last three months I tried to collect the best relevant articles into this magazine using an  Flipboard. The Beauty in Flipboard its style that feels like a traditional magazine. And the capacity for contributors (like me .. and perhaps you !) to collect interesting content from anywhere and bind it together in a magazine. The other powerful thing that it is accessible through your iPad, iPhone, Android, Kindle Fire & NOOK. (I’m really hoping you don’t have them all together!).

In this issue you will find a diverse set of topics. Julie Pickens, through her natural baby wipes company, inspires you in her story about how to see and dominate a market opportunity. Topics include some 25 influential entrepreneurs on twitter that might worth to follow, How to create a one page business plan canvas, and why Jeff Bezos (’s CEO) is interested in publishing ( it looks like I’m setting a trend for entrepreneurs !).

These articles and multimedia are carefully handpicked by entrepreneurs (currently only me) from a verity of sources including Harvard Business Review, Fast Company , Forbes … and my blog.

How this work ? When you subscribe to the magazine, I’m hoping that every morning you will find at least a new piece of reading (or listening or watching). The magazine have more than 100 articles that I picked over the course the three months. This is intended to be a multilingual magazine. If you don’t know anything other than English, you might want to start working on that ! I might pick (or write) articles in Arabic, a very disadvantaged language in regard of relevant content. And I’m hoping for other contributors to share with me in other languages as well. If you read too much and want to join me doing what I do, you are definitely welcome !

As it is for any new project, feedback is critical. Let me know if this magazine worth continuing. To stay in touch, if you tweet .. I tweet @SamiO_o

Sami Al-AbdRabbuh

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