Author Archives: Samantha Marsh
How To Manage Stress
What Did I Find Out About Myself? I was able to take 3 online tests to help determine my personality in stressful situations, what coping skills I use, and what percent chance I will have a stressed-induced breakdown. From Psychology … Continue reading
Does Compensation Determine Behaviors of Employees?
What does compensation look like from your employer? Well, there are two components to compensation: Extrinsic and Intrinsic. Extrinsic would be things that are tangible, and they include things that are monetary and nonmonetary. an example would be things like … Continue reading
Factors That Influence Training Effectiveness.
Why is Training Important? Being a new hire at a brand new job may be nerve wracking, exciting, or scary. However, with the proper training, any new employee will feel that they fit right in. Training can have many benefits, … Continue reading
What Makes an Interview Effective vs Ineffective?
What’s the Point of an Interview? The reason for an interview is to evaluate potential candidates for a position at your company. By conducting an interview, you’ll be able to assess if the person is what you are looking for. The … Continue reading
Overcoming Some of the Challenges Associated With Developing and Maintaining Job Descriptions. What even are job descriptions? The most basic function of Human Resources, job descriptions help describe the necessary functions of the job posting. They include information such as; … Continue reading
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