Factors That Influence Training Effectiveness.

Why is Training Important?

Being a new hire at a brand new job may be nerve wracking, exciting, or scary. However, with the proper training, any new employee will feel that they fit right in. Training can have many benefits, such as creating a better impact on employee performance, and mitigating the risk of the employer for any liabilities. There are different kinds of training; Presentation, Hands-on, and Group Building (Swift).

Personal Experience

I have had great training sessions and some bad ones as well. One of my favorite trainings was done at a Starbucks inside a Safeway. Some of the things that made this training so successful was the little things they did to make me feel special. Things such as pins, my name tag, a cute booklet for me to fill out when trying coffee, etc. This made me feel seen and was also a lot of fun. I got hands both presentation and hands on experience. This training was completed over the course of 2 weeks, by making each section into bite size chunks, which is one of the principles of creating a learning environment (Swift).

Some bad trainings that I have gotten were at a new business, with young owners. My training was done over the course of 2 days, and then I was left to run the shop by myself. Of course, they said to call whenever something was needed, however as a brand new employee I did not feel comfortable working alone let alone calling every time something went awry. The majority of my training was hands on, but really fast. There were not any times for asking questions, or any reference material to study to be more prepared at this establishment. The socializing part of my training was absent, just casual hello, and I began to realize I would often work by myself and would not know my coworkers. At this place of work, none of the onboarding process’s that would be make it more effective were not incorporated. Which probably explains why I didn’t feel welcomed, or liked I belonged there compared to my experience at Starbucks.


Swift, Michelle. “Week Six”, MGMT 453, 10 November 2024, Oregon State University, Class Lecture.

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