S4:E4 | minor setbacks

The team’s doing great. We have good communication but we somehow always work last minute. I feel like that can be fixed. The weekly meetings are great with Jim Cupples and I really enjoy what he really has to say

Days are getting colder and I love it. I don’t like the rain though. I’ve lived here all my life and I still hate the rain. I think sometimes, I just need to buckle down and start working without interruptions. That would be ideal right now.

That aside, I’m thrilled with where we are with the project. We have a great understanding of what we have to do and the functional areas that we have determined to be necessary to our project. I think if there is one thing I would fix, it would be starting our work earlier in the week instead of having to rush at the end of the week. These deadlines line up with my labs, and the weeks get super hefty.


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