Blog #4: Overcoming the mountain

As said in my previous blogs, I struggled extremely in the beginning program. I never really had a problem with school. I usually got by with decent grades and never really put in too much effort. After I took Discrete Mathematics, this program humbled me really quickly. From Discrete Mathematics to Data Structures, I really thought that I wasn’t fit to be in this program. It wasn’t until I took Algorithms, Databases, and Operating Systems where it started to click.

When I entered Algorithms, I knew I had to do well in this class since it would become the foundation of the entire program. I was extremely nervous about it and studied endlessly. I changed my study habits and tried to put the most effort I’ve ever put into a class. Through the skin of my teeth, I passed the class with flying colors. I realized that it actually wasn’t too hard. At the beginning of the program, I was trying too hard to know everything when I should have just studied the overarching concepts of each project.

My biggest challenge was when I enrolled in Operating Systems. OS is by far the hardest class I’ve ever taken in my entire life. It really pushed my limits as a student because the projects took an enormous amount of effort. After I completed the class, I realized that my hard work paid off. No matter how difficult the project, as long as I trusted my own skills, anything is possible.

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