Blog #3: My New Career

Welcome to another blog post! This post will contain a more in depth look into my new job that I will partaking in after my last quarter. As said in my 2nd blog post, I was extremely nervous at the idea of SWE interviews. Since I struggled heavily in the beginning of the course, I would consistently doubt my own capabilities. However, I trudged through and bet on myself. I actually landed this offer pretty early within the job hunting process and have been extremely blessed to have something to lean on through my last two quarters of the program.

My incoming role is in Michigan, for it will a complete culture shock for me since I’ve lived on the west coast my entire life. The role is specifically for new grads and is a rotational program. Just like OSU’s post bacc program, I believe rotational programs would be extremely beneficially for me since I’ve come from a different working background. Rotational programs allow SWEs who’ve had no experience to gain as much experience as they can. It usually involved three to four rotations of different positions. This would give the participant a better understanding of the culture and process of an SWE compared to being assigned one role for the rest of your time there.

After accepting this offer, I am extremely excited to start working and have been developing a bit of senioritis (which is bad!). Knowing that I get to rotate between four different positions and decide which position I like best is extremely exciting. Since I have no experience, this position would be a great stepping stone in my career in software.

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