Modeling and managing floods

MS River meanders (Fisk 1944)

“Floods are acts of God, but flood losses are largely acts of man.” Gilbert White (1942)

Our work on flood risk focuses on advancing the concepts, knowledge, and modeling tools around the sustainable management of flood risk, including re-imagining and reoperating our structural approaches and the development of innovative solutions through investigating nonstructural practices. This work has involved several grants, including funding from:

  • NSF (#0846360), which supported examining the role of flexibility in sustainably managing floods in the Sacramento River basin (DiFrancesco and Tullos 2014a, 2014b);
  • The Indo-US Science and Technology Forum, which supported a workshop to synthesize current knowledge on the modeling and management of floods in high mountain areas (See workshop presentations here, Tullos and Jain 2015; Tullos et al. 2016; Stanton et al. 2016; Dimri et al. 2016; Jain et al., in press);
  • NSF (#0846360, #1038925), which funded the analysis of reservoir operational performance under climate change in the Willamette River basin (See full description here)
  • OSU, which funded the modeling and perceptions of floods and adaptation measures for floodplain residents in South Corvallis, OR (Gomez et al. 2021).