Category: Uncategorized

  • Blog Post #3

    This has been a monumental couple of weeks for the project. Things have really taken off for both the backend and frontend. The backend team has been furiously working through hosting options, API structures, and the ever present hurdle over odd errors. But they were able to successfully host their service on Google Cloud. The…

  • Blog Post #2

    This capstone project has done a bit to reinvigorate my passion for a project based approach to coding. A few of the past several quarters have consisted of class that were focused on computer science concepts rather than programming technologies and tools used to create great projects. I think I’ve been stuck in a bit…

  • Blog Post #1

    As I begin my last quarter at OSU I am also ending my first year working as a software engineer. I started working as a SWE last November being hired on as an entry level position to help out on an application team. It has been a great year of learning and experience building. The…

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