Category: Uncategorized

  • Blog Post #3: Successes

    I think over the course of this quarter and this course I have learned so much about not only working with technologies but also how to successfully communicate with group members. Working in group projects is one of those things that always stresses me out a little bit but this quarter the methods that our…

  • Blog Post #2: Librosa

    Hi everyone! My project for this quarter is the Top-N Music Genre Classification Neural Network. Essentially we are creating a model that can take a user’s song input and return what genre(s) the song may be with a confidence value. So far I am really enjoying working on this project and all of the technologies…

  • Blog Post #1

    Hi everyone! My name is Riley Rabelos, and this is my last quarter in this program, so I am very excited to finish my degree! Before starting this program I studied history. After finishing my degree I felt very lost in what I wanted to do because even though I loved history there’s not really…