Blog Post #1

Hi everyone! My name is Riley Rabelos, and this is my last quarter in this program, so I am very excited to finish my degree! Before starting this program I studied history. After finishing my degree I felt very lost in what I wanted to do because even though I loved history there’s not really much you can do career-wise that has an emphasis on history especially with just a bachelors. During the last quarter of my history degree, I started to teach myself how to code and I realized I was also interested in doing that so that’s how I ended up here!

Last year I decided to look for a summer internship that blended my knowledge from my first degree and my current one. As you may know, history involves an extensive amount of research and writing so I want to look for an internship where I could use both that skill and my technical skills. That’s when I learned what technical writing was and decided to pursue an internship. After filling out many applications I got an interview with an AI company called Beyond Limits. So over the summer, I got to do an internship there and it was a great experience and I learned a lot. The only unfortunate part was that I was interning at their office in Washington while all the other twenty or so interns were in California so I missed out on some of the fun things that they got to do. Over the summer I got to work on updating documentation for the company and just learning how everything worked. Then at the end of the summer, all of the interns gave a presentation about what they worked on, mine was over Zoom. It was very interesting to see all the different projects people worked on since there was a variety of different types of interns including data science, software engineering, accounting, marketing, and HR so I felt like I was able to learn a lot from everyone.

Outside of school I really enjoy reading and playing video games. I’ve read more this year than I have before, over 100 books! I think this is mainly because I got a Kindle and it feels like with it I can fly through books. I also have a boyfriend and two cats that I love to spend my time with! I am looking forward to this quarter and finishing my degree!






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