Why Labor Unions?

Looking into the interesting topic of labor unions has been quite eye opening. Before I did research on labor unions I thought that I knew about labor unions. What I didn’t know was that they have such an impact on workers, bosses, and society. I have family members as well as friends that have worked or have joined labor unions in their lives, so I wanted to know more about them.

Digging into online research showed me the good and bad of labor unions. Labor unions have played a huge role in fighting for working conditions and workers rights over the years, but there are also downsides like inflexibility and group think. It was a lot to take in, but lucky what I have heard throughout my life gave me a good base to start forming my own opinions.

To add a personal touch, I talked over the phone with a couple people who I know well who’ve been part of unions. They had varied opinions to say the least. One talked about getting better pay and job security because of union they were apart of. The other had a problem with one of the representatives of the union that they were apart of. These personal stories made the topic feel closer to home even though I haven’t ever dealt with unions myself.

Those more I looked into the history of unions the more I found the deep history of people with little to no voice coming together to bargain collectively for what they believed. This is something that I think is very powerful, and should be used very carefully. Support for unions is on the rise today. According to News Gallup, “Labor unions are enjoying a moment of high public approval and strong belief in the benefits they offer to workers, businesses and the economy.”

What I’ve figured out is that deciding to join a union is a big deal. It depends on where you work, what industry you’re in, and what matters to you. It’s not a simple decision, but something you really need to think about carefully. Sometimes if your views don’t align with the people in your union you become even more unheard than if you were just a single voice in the industry.

In the end, being in a union is about understanding how they work; and more importantly how they work for you. For me to join a union I would first look at the history of that union, the history of the industry, then where I see myself in the future. If all those things fit in together then I for sure would consider joining a union in the future! It really is all about figuring out if a union is right for you.

Works Cited

Saad, L. (2023, September 26). More in U.S. see unions strengthening and want it that way. Gallup.com. https://news.gallup.com/poll/510281/unions-strengthening.aspx#:~:text=WASHINGTON%2C%20D.C.%20%2D%2D%20Labor%20unions,a%20decade%20of%20rising%20support.

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