
Tools and Methods 

What is the full extent of Houzz? Is it just a place for consumers to go and pick out pictures? At first that’s exactly what it was. Architects from all over the world would upload photos of their work and can be contacted by consumers who liked their work. Or consumers could just create a profile of what they like, with 3-D images to show to their own architects. But it wasn’t just the style of the home, consumers could actually decorate and pick out other products like couches and bathtubs to fill their home with. Then Tatarko took it one step further, and now customers can click on a product, read about it, then actually purchase that item on the Houzz website straight from the outside producer. With Houzz acting as the go-between for companies and consumers, their popularity has only risen more.

This has greatly changed the way that people renovate their homes. Quick and easy to use consumers also don’t have to pay anything to go on to Houzz and create a profile. Houzz’s popularity increased once again at when the Ipad came out in 2010. The website combined with the iPad was the perfect “ bedtime tablet browsing or lunchtime chats between architects and their clients”(Anders, 2014) .

Unique Invention 

One of the best parts of Houzz as a corporation is the fact that it’s creation was based on need, rather than the desire for money. Tatarko and Cohen both just needed an easier way to renovate their home. So, they created this tool to help them do just that. With Cohen’s background in computers they created this, then were the first test subjects to use the website. This ultimately increases the value of the product because they had to be able to use it for their own home. It wasn’t created in order to only gain money. The ultimate goal for Houzz is to help people make their homes beautiful and unique to them.  

The company is still creating and adding new aspects to their website in order to give their customers the best experience they possibly can. But each addition is carefully thought through and tested carefully to be sure it is fully functional. This careful process is just one of the many attributes that Tatarko has created in order to keep Houzz at the top of the market for renovation software. To this day it is one of the only renovation websites that doesn’t bombard you with ads as soon as you open the page. Tatarko and her staff work hard to keep Houzz in prime condition for their consumers.