Gender Lens Research Progress

Overall I feel like my research is going really well. I have found tons of information on both how condoms are made as well as the history of condoms. I feel as though I’m learning a lot about an object that is pretty commonly advertised for in our society. I haven’t truly decided how I’m going to look at Condoms as an object directed at women or men quite yet, but I think with a little more information I’ll be able to decide which direction I want to take this project in.

I spoke with a librarian a little,but I really don’t have any questions as there seems to be quite a lot of information on this topic readily available.

When it comes to saving sources I have kind of a long process. I usually look up a ton of different sites where I can find information and bookmark them by saving them into a folder on my web browser. Then later I go through each page and decide if the source will be a good contribution while also gauging the credibility of the source. Then when I make my citations I go on Easybib and just make them there because that’s what I’m comfortable using.

That’s all for this week!


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