Uploading images & Legos!

I think I did an okay job at uploading the image I chose for my Culture Research Project. I tried a few different ways to get the caption right, but it didn’t end up working out so I just put it in the text. Overall this week was pretty dreary.

Legos: I have never really used legos. Growing up we (my cousins, sisters, and I) were all given the building logs that connect on the ends so you could build things. Though, all we were really able to build was little cabins so we got bored pretty quickly. Legos were just too expensive to buy, and when one of my boy cousins got them for his birthday no one else was allowed to touch them. We all kind of got over wanting to have them pretty fast. Overall  I think I’m glad that we got our building logs instead because it inspired us to be more creative and because there were so few logs, it taught us how to conserve and cut down our uses.


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