Researching Adi Tatarko

Meeting with the librarian:

Overall it went well. I used the online version because I did not have time during the week to go and speak to an actual librarian. I couldn’t find any information on the search engines at first, so I had to ask the librarian what specific terms might help get me better results. I was told to search less specifically at first then to get more in depth after I had read some articles to give me a better idea of what exactly I was researching.

Search Engines:

I also had to switch search engines a couple of times, the Academic Search Premier engine really had nothing to offer. It was definitely a bit frustrating at first, but once I got a solid timeline down  about Adi Tatarko’s life I was able to define my searches even more. I am kind of wondering how much of the Palestinian/ Israeli conflict I should include if any of it. While it is a large part of the way their culture and life style was developed, it might become too confusing to readers to understand and really value the significance.

Over all, I was able to find quite a lot about Israeli-Jewish lifestyle and their culture. However, I am a little bit concerned about the technology page since Israel is such a progressive country. I’ll be doing more research throughout this week as well as constructing the pages that are due this week.

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