Course Recap

I have learned a ton of new technical skills throughout this course. Posting on a blog site being one of them. I have never had a blog before but I have learned how easy it is to set one up. However, I do not plan on keeping this one post graduation. One of the skills I will probably use most after this class is using the screenshot key. Oddly, I didn’t know how to do that before this class. I also learned how to optimize photos, insert movies to blogs, add an RSS feed to a blog, insert excel tables into a blog by changing it to a photo instead of a document, and I also learned how to embed hyperlinks, which was very useful for this course. During the financial analysis project I learned a lot about using spreadsheets too! I am excited to continue learning about that. Every topic we discussed each week was new for me. My favorite topic was the cyborg theory. I learned more about the gender gap than I thought I would and I am proud to now have that knowledge. I also learned about how well art and technology mix together and I had never really given much thought to that idea before the discussion about it. I am excited to have all of this knowledge and be able to use it in my everyday life. I will definitely use spreadsheets for my financial life from now on, I might even create a new blog on WordPress to discuss different topics.

Recap of Cultural Research and Look Ahead

This project was a lot of work for me. I have had very little time lately and this has been a huge source of stress in my life. That being said, uploading files was very easy for me! It was a relief how well it worked out. I used Windows Paint to optimize my photos and it was much easier than expected. I am relieved to have this project be done and to move on to the next. I learned so much about Hedy Lamarr that I feel like I know her personally, it was just difficult to translate that knowledge to paper.
I am looking forward to the gender lens project now. When I was younger I never played with Lego’s. I didn’t like them as a kid. But now I am an adult working at a Boys and Girls club and I watch kids play with them all the time. I even join them sometimes. It will be interesting to do some research into the gender bias of the brand.


Wow, this has been a whirlwind of learning. I did not follow the instructions for this week in order because I kept finding new things so I just went with it, clicking buttons, and changing things, and by the end I made sure that I have done everything we were supposed to complete. I have to admit, this weeks blogging assignment was much more difficult than just setting up the blog. I feel that WordPress is not as easy to navigate as I though it was last week. Setting up categories and setting up pages was very easy for me, but I struggled with getting my widgets set up. I am still confused as to why if I put nothing in the right hand column, a ton of random stuff shows up there. So I ended up putting a recent posts widget there so that my page looks clean and I know how to use all of the widgets on it. This week was a learning experience. I’m looking forward to when this gets easy.


Hey there,

This here is my first ever blog post. I have to say, my favorite part about this is that I get to write how I talk, not professionally, and it is coming straight from my head, and not from research. Setting up this blog was so much easier than I expected. I feel like Oregon State is great at making things easy for students. All I had to do was log in and type my name twice. It doesn’t get much easier than that. Navigating the WordPress site is fairly simple for me so far, and I’ve enjoyed poking around.

Setting up my email signature was also very simple for me, but mostly because I have done it many times before. If I hadn’t done it before it might have even been more complicated than starting my own blog, however.

Listening to webpages has been something that I have done in the past in order to forgo the reading portion of some assignments. I learned then that I very much dislike it. I like to read and learnĀ at my own pace and I think that I don’t absorb as much information as I do when I just read it myself.