The Inclusion Process

Typically the internet is not something that is thought of as safe because of several issues such as cyber-bullying. This may be turning a new leaf on sites that attempt to create a safe space for people who may be marginalized for being who they are in some way. For example, Wikipedia has specific policies that implement being as gender-neutral as possible when describing a general scenario. 

Through these policies, it seems that Wikipedia is attempting to make its site one that is welcoming for all. The problem lately is that vocabulary is expanding for the way that people would like to be described as and some are slower to make that change. This makes people who do not necessarily fit the “standard” heteronormative, binary reality feel left out and possibly forgotten. Clearly, they are still human beings deserving of being included in broad statements that include human beings. 

Since policies were set in place like the one of Wikipedia, many more people feel comfortable to be on these sites. In Wikipedia’s sake, people may feel more inclined to edit articles and give back to the site that aided in their inclusion (that should already be there!!). Not only does it make women feel more comfortable because language isn’t assumed to be in the male gender, but it also makes people who do not fit the gender binary most likely feel included as well.

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