
Feb. 07, 2020

I chose to feature this card as I really connected with it. Last week I watched a movie on Netflix called “Steve Jobs” about the co-creator and longtime CEO of Apple. The movie showed how he used history and humanity to brand, market, and develop Apple. To me, this related to my bigger connection to Michel Foucault’s approach to philosophy through historical knowledge. Week 5 content has inspired me to look to history even more so when constructing original ideas and content.

*Note: sources are listed within the images (at the bottom). Cards were made on Canva due to a failure to obtain the index cards used in previous weeks.

I was unable to attend the first class of the week due to illness. As a result, I focused on the content learned in that class to ensure that I understood all of the information. What I learned is that asking the right questions and being willing to learn from others is important. Originality is found through understanding essential successes and failure of the past and reorienting them for the present and future.

The lessons of week 5 made me think of Michel Foucault’s approach to philosophy. He borrowed heavily from history and applied them in contemporary and radical ways. In many ways, Foucault unlocked an essential method of creation.

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