
This list is not exhaustive but includes common online resources used in the plant clinic. Don’t see your favorite? Please contact Brooke or Elizabeth to get it added.

-If using a search engine (like Google): add to your search term to filter results to only educational websites. 
-Use publications from outside our growing area with a degree of caution.
-Make sure that all pesticide recommendations are listed in the PNW Pest Management Handbooks.
-Ask for help if you get stuck-we’re here to help!

TEMPLATE for client emails (beta).

REFERRALS (for Benton and Linn Counties)
Who to Call Guide

OSU Extension Publications Catalog
Some commonly shared: Growing Your Own (veggies), Soil Testing Labs, Managing Disease & Insects in Home Orchards, Encouraging Beneficial Insects
OSU Extension Website – General gardening articles

OSU Broadleaf Plant Search 
OSU Conifer Plant Search 
Common Trees of the Pacific Northwest
Weed Identification (Univ of California)
Weed ID Gallery (Univ of California)
Field Guide to Weeds of the Willamette Valley
City of Portland’s Weed Identification Guide

PNW Pest Management Handbook
OSU Urban Entomology 
Oregon Department of Agriculture: Common Household Insects & Spiders
Washington State University Pest Leaflet Series 
VegNet (info on insect pests of vegetables in the Willamette Valley)
Pacific Northwest Nursery IPM

National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC)

PNW Disease Management Handbook
PNW Insect Management Handbook
Washington State University HortSense
UC IPM (home garden, turf and landscape pests)
Plant Problem Scenarios (PPS) Training Materials <link coming soon>

How to use the ECCO MGV database for volunteers

ECCO is an online database where Master Gardeners can log, respond to, and review client questions. It can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection and will be the preferred method of tracking questions as we host plant clinics in various locations and online. These movies will show you how to create an account and use ECCO.

NOTE: The movie directs you to a practice version of ECCO. Instead, please use

Video TopicLink to Video
Overview of ECCO       (6:28 minutes)
Creating an Account     (5:35 minutes)
Open, Pending and Closed Questions     (3:08 minutes)
Adding a Question Section 1     (5:43 minutes)
Adding a Question Section 2     (2:43 minutes)
Adding a Question Section 3     (4:43 minutes)
Adding a Question Section 4     (4:21 minutes)
Adding a Client     (3:59 minutes)
Searching for a Client     (2:16 minutes)
Searching Questions     (3:29 minutes)

Have questions about tracking plant clinic hours or need other MG program info?
Check out our Volunteering Guide and resource pages