As we are wrapping up sprint 3, our team feels pretty good about our progress. In the previous sprint, we completed a basic version of our website. So, this sprint was about focusing on two main tasks, continue to make progress on the UI and optimizing the parameters for our algorithms.

As we continue to work with our advisor, we needed to continue making changes to the UI based on his feedback. The feedback we received from last sprint was to add more details to our table that had information for each optimal solution. This required updating the database to add more fields in order for the website to display them. Our advisor also requested the delete functionality to be added to the website so we added a route to handle the deletion of the algorithm runs.

In this sprint, we made changes to the parameters on the existing algorithms to see if we would be able to provide better results. We now have more algorithm runs on our website for the user to view. I got a chance to work on one of the algorithms and I have been making good progress. I have updated the code and the algorithm run is completing successfully with QuantConnect Lean Engine. My next step is to analyze the results and continue to tweak the parameters before I can add the algorithm run results to our website.

Overall, sprint 3 was successful for us. We still have some UI polishing to do for our website as well as producing more algorithm runs results but we are on a good track! One of our team members started doing his own trading using one of the algorithms! I had a talk with him and I think I will also start to invest using that same algorithm. I look forward to starting and hopefully making some extra money!






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