Category: Uncategorized

  • Blog post #4

    Our project is slowly but surely becoming a reality. We’ve managed to integrate a portion of the code which various teammates wrote. These last few weeks will require a big push, but I’m looking forward to seeing it all come together. In following suit with my previous posts, I wanted to touch on yet another…

  • Blog Post #3

    First and foremost – a quick group update; We’ve been spending some time prototyping and planning different assets for our project. In the near future we’ll be looking to start bringing some of our work together to stand up our text adventure game for the first time. Looking forward to the challenge that awaits. Last…

  • Blog Post #2

    Our group has just submitted our project plan! I suspect this will change significantly during the first few weeks, but I’m excited to dive into a larger-scale project. This week, I thought it might be fun to talk about a random concept from my line of work (combat in video games). I borrowed this wonderful…

  • First Blog Post

    Welcome to the blog! Bit of an intro – my name is Kevin Peterson and I currently work as a game designer at Sony Santa Monica (the studio behind God of War). I started at the studio as an intern back in 2015 and recently moved into the position of Lead Hero Designer. My hobbies…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!