I had some trouble getting set up with the ENGR servers from my Arch Linux laptop.
What I was trying: smbclient //stak.engr.oregonstate.edu/users/ONID -U ONID@oregonstate.edu
, and various permutations.
Eventually, I found that smbclient '//depot.engr.oregonstate.edu/users' -U=ONID@oregonstate.edu
was successful. Note that appending /ONID to the path didn’t work, and this solution requires cd
ing into your ONID directory.
So that worked, but I wanted to be able to run mount /mnt/engr
, so I created an fstab entry.
//stak.engr.oregonstate.edu/users/ONID /mnt/engr cifs _netdev,nofail,uid=paul,gid=paul,credentials=/etc/samba/credentials/engr 0 0
This requires a file called /etc/samba/credentials/engr
, which should have strict permissions and look something like
username=ONID@oregonstate.edu password=hunter2
Now, sudo mount /mnt/engr
will get you access to your remote directory!
I have searched for this information so much, I have looked at every source, but none of them are as clear as this. Thank you very much.