Category: Uncategorized

  • What got me into computer and SW?

    Hello, so today I’ll be talking about how I got myself into computer. When I was in my childhood first computer that I saw was apple’s big fat one that shows rainbow apple logo (old). Its something that my dad used to use and I got really interested in it due to how it was…

  • My doubts about my own ability

    While trying new things out like C# and unity for the project that I have chosen I had doubts about my ability to complete it or just make it workable. Even though I had thoughts like that I have chosen this project due to how I always wanted to work with unity and I had…

  • What technology do you wish had been included in your tech stack?

    I really haven’t really worked with graphical stuff with programming yet. and right now I am working with unity which would be my first time trying to work with graphical programming. I wish that I learned bit more of unity or Unreal before hand its really fun thing to try it but pretty hard due…

  • About Clean Coding and what I need to work on myself

    When reading this article about how to clean code ( and ( I felt like there were few things I wasn’t really doing to make it as clean coding. One important things I want to start doing like right away would be that comments, they are important but I always forget about it when writing…

  • Is antivirus needed?

    While I was working on some assignment in other class I read an article related to antivirus. And I felt to share it here so others can read through my thought related to antivirus which is pretty important. In that article author pointed out about how people feel that if they have antivirus, they can…

  • My life hack skill!

    Hello, what i want to post about today will be related to some of my life hacking skills for stress.I am currently working full time and full time student (15credit this term) at the same time and have a child about to be born very soon. I guess this could be another level of stress…

  • About myself

    Hello nice to meet you all! My name is Chris Park and I am student in OSU and full time worker. I was originally from Seattle, WA (Actually Bellevue but not a lot of people know easier to say Seattle), but currently due to my work I live in South Korea opposite time zone as…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!