The World of the Oregon Fishboat: A Study in Maritime Folklore

The World of the Oregon Fishboat: A Study in Maritime FolkloreJanet C. Gilmore, The World of the Oregon Fishboat: A Study in Maritime Folklore, (Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1986).

The most comprehensive look at fishing in Oregon was produced in 1986, by Janet Gilmore, produced out the research she did while teaching a class in folklore at the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology during the 1975. Her students began bringing her information about the fishing fleet. Gilmore was soon hooked on finding out more about the industry. She moved to Charleston, found a part-time job to finance her research, and set to work inventorying and cataloging the boats moored around the bay. She had the invaluable assistance of Paul Heikkila, who was the Coos Bay Sea Grant Extension Agent at the time. As Gilmore put it, her book concentrates “within the sphere of relationships and communicative behavior that integrates the world at sea with the world ashore through the medium of the fishboat (16).”

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