Oregon State University
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OSUEA 4-H Awards

A website for OSUEA4-H Members


January 20th, 2015

Anyone can submit an application for an award through OSUEA4-H.  However, to be eligible for receiving these awards, the award recipient must be an active member in the OSUEA 4-H Association and in good standing. The following is the list of current and active members of the OSUEA 4-H Association.

This information will be updated in the coming days…

If you see any corrections to be made please email: ashley.jones@oregonstate.edu as soon as possible.  Thank you!

Eligible for MSA Awards (15+ years)

  • Carolyn Ashton
  • John Baggott
  • Candi Bothum
  • Susan Busler
  • Janice Cowan
  • Robin Galloway
  • Doug Hart
  • Joy Jones
  • Marilyn Lesmeister
  • Margaret Livesay
  • Dana Martin
  • Janet Nagele
  • Debera Schreiber
  • Carole Smith

Eligible for DSA Awards (more than 7 years)

  • Barbara Brody
  • Jamie Davis
  • Mike Knutz
  • Roberta Lundeberg
  • Judi Peters
  • Claire Sponseller
  • Elissa Wells
  • Pat Willis

Eligible for ASA awards (3-7 years of service)

  • Sally Bowman
  • Ana Lu Fonseca
  • Jon Gandy
  • Theresa Middleton
  • Laurie Rice
  • Todd Williver

Service Award Guidelines 

NAE4-HA Achievement in Service Award (ASA)
Plaques sponsored by A & T Industries

Specific Rules:
1. Any current member of NAE4-HA who has paid dues (for at least the immediate two (2) consecutive years prior to the current) may apply provided he/she has served more than three (3) years but less than seven (7) years in Extension 4-H youth programs.
2. ASA quota is based on total paid membership including Life Membership received by NAE4-HA Membership Chairman (either the Vice-President or President-Elect) by January 31, 2013.
3. States or units (CSREES/CYF, National 4-H Council, etc.) may recommend one ASA recipient for every 50 paid members or part thereof (i.e. 1-50 members = 1 ASA; 51-100 = 2 ASA’s; 101-150 members = 3 ASA’s; etc.).
4. ASA submissions must include: A completed online application, which includes name, address, region, e-mail, a 25-50 word biographical summary to be printed in the program, and a digital photo.
5. States may require additional information.

Late or incomplete entries will not be recognized.

NAE4-HA Distinguished Service Award (DSA)
Plaques and pins sponsored by National 4-H Supply

Specific Rules:
Any current member of NAE4-HA who has paid dues (for at least the immediate two (2) consecutive years prior to the current) may apply provided he/she has served seven (7) years or more in Extension 4-H youth programs.
1. Members recommended must be actively engaged in Extension youth programs as of the date the selections are made.
2. States or units (CSREES/CYF, National 4-H Council, etc.) may recommend one DSA recipient for every 50 paid members or part thereof (i.e. 1-50 members = 1 DSA; 51-100 = 2 DSA’s; 101-150 members = 3 DSA’s; etc.).
3. DSA quota is based on total paid membership including Life Membership received by NAE4-HA Membership Chairman (either the Vice-President or President-Elect) by January 31, 2013.
4. DSA submissions must include: A completed online application, which includes name, address, region, e-mail, a 25-50 word biographical summary to be printed in the program, and a digital photo.
5. States may require additional information.

Late or incomplete entries will not be recognized.
NAE4-HA Meritorious Service Award (MSA)
Plaques sponsored by Rixstine Recognition

Specific Rules:
1. Any current member of NAE4-HA who has paid dues (for at least the immediate four (4) consecutive years prior to the current) may apply provided he/she has served fifteen (15) years or more in Extension 4-H youth programs. Nominees must have demonstrated innovative youth programming and leadership in the NAE4-HA association at the state, regional, and/or national level.
2. Applicant must have previously received the NAE4-HA Distinguished Service Award and list the year it was awarded.
3. States or units may recommend one MSA recipient each year.
4. NAE4-HA records as of January 31, 2013 determine years of service.
5. MSA applications must include: A completed online application, which includes name, address, region, email, a 25-50 word biographical summary to be printed in the program, and a digital photo.
6. States may require additional information.

Late or incomplete entries will not be recognized.
The Meritorious Service Award may be received only once.

NAE4-HA 25 Years of Service Award
Plaques and pins sponsored by National 4-H Supply

Specific Rules:
1. All current NAE4-HA members who have completed 25 years or more of service as of January 31, 2013, to
Extension 4-H youth programs and work during the current year may be recognized at the NAE4-HA annual
meeting provided they submit the requested materials below. Dues must be paid for at least the immediate
four (4) consecutive years prior to the current year. Time spent in the military does not apply toward the 25
year award.
2. The required criteria is to be checked by states or units (CSREES/CYF, National 4-H Council, etc.), and there is
no limit on the number of recipients a state or unit may nominate for recognition at the national level.
3. 25 Years of Service entry submissions must include: A completed online application, which includes name,
address, region, e-mail, a 25-50 word biographical summary to be printed in the program, and a digital photo.
4. Late or incomplete entries will not be recognized.


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