Originally from Kyoto, Japan, Midori Nagai spent the academic year of 2014-15 at OSU through the Doshisha-OSU exchange program. This exchange is open to all OSU students who meet the admission criteria. In this entry, Midori shares her academic and cultural experience at OSU.

Midori (right), an exchange student from Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan
Midori (right) with Benny the Beaver

What inspired you to pick OSU?
The reason why I chose OSU was because OSU is one of the best universities in the United States, and also because I heard that Corvallis is a student friendly city where I would be able to enjoy many outdoor activities.

In what ways is OSU different from your home University?
One of the biggest differences that I noticed between OSU and my home university was how everyone at OSU, including students, professors, families, graduates, and even the city itself, supported the school spirit of the Beaver Nation. It was a cool thing for me to see how many people were wearing orange clothing and OSU t-shirts daily to express their pride in being part of OSU.

In what ways is OSU similar to your home University?
I noticed that both of the universities encourage students to go overseas to experience different lifestyles and cultures during their college years.

What is one memorable experience you’ve had in Oregon?
One memorable experience I’ve had in Oregon was the INTO skiing trip that I signed up for during winter break.

What are some of your favorite aspects of studying abroad?
My favorite aspect of studying abroad is that I can experience a completely different lifestyle from my home country, which allows me to experience something new all of the time.

What has been/was one challenging aspect of studying abroad?
One challenging aspect of studying abroad for me was having to take care of everything by myself in a country that practices a different culture, while also being away from home for a long time.

What is one thing, person, or experience you are/were excited to reunite with when you return to your home country?
I was excited to reunite with my family and friends, and definitely also the Japanese food.

What is your message for OSU students considering studying abroad in your home country?
Japan is a unique country that practices different customs and has a unique culture. I strongly recommend considering Japan as a study abroad destination. Japan’s capital, Tokyo, is hosting the Olympics in 2020, and preparations are already transforming Japan into a more welcoming country for foreigners. Such changes will make it easier for the foreign students to live in Japan and study. Students have the chance to be part of the changes that Japan is making toward preparing for the biggest event in the country.

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