Biggest Success During CS467

During this course and working on our group project I was charged with mostly doing all the front-end work. My strengths in terms of my prior experience was in more front-end technologies. I have worked with back-end before but it had been awhile since I’ve used it.

So when I was able to successfully connect the front-end of our web app to the back-end, I think that was the biggest success thus far. It can be daunting to think about all the different things that need to happen in order for a web app to work and how it needs to communicate with the back-end database to do so.

Luckily, my team member who developed the back-end did a great job setting everything up and it was easy for me to understand what they had implemented. They used Flask for the back-end and while it’s been awhile since I’ve used flask, the way they had structured everything on the back-end code made it easy for me to see the structure of the code and how it was working.

This week I was successfully able to get GET and POST requests implemented into our web app so now the front-end is pulling all the Experiences and Trips from the back-end and generating them within the web app. Also I was able to successfully add new Experiences to the back-end via POST requests.

It was a productive week to be able to get all this implemented because when we were planning our project out, this was one of the pivotal functionalities that needed to work in order for our web app to function properly.






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