5 Sept. 2015 – House arrest

Woke up at about 7 AM this morning in preparation to assist and photograph Sergio and Joe in tracking and capturing a monitor lizard. The plan was to locate and capture the lizards with tracking collars which were low on batteries. We would then remove the collars, as Sergio (whose project focuses on the monitors) will soon be traveling to Cardiff University for a few months, during which time, the collars would be a useless burden to the animals.

I left our studio a few seconds after Joe and Sergio, only to find them quickly returning and saying that our venture was cancelled for the day, as the elephant herd was at the jetty. Red alert, people: We must now follow the procedures I spoke of last and always travel in pairs, with the only acceptable locationsto be currently are in our studio or the main facility.

Joe andI made our way to the main building with no sign of the large mammals; Charlie informed us that she heard they were last seen by the generator.

Noodle day for lunch, and fresh donuts as well. Pretty good change of pace, if I do say so myself. Right following our lunch it began raining–quite a downpour with thunder and the like. With all of us trapped inside, the rain is a nice change, though it was still quite warm indoors with all of the people.

In the late afternoon, we were informedthat the elephant herd had left, but as soon as it was gone, another herd arrived…house arrest again tomorrow.

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