1 Sept. 2015 – Darkness and electricity

Trying to locate a toilet in utter blackness can be a challenge. Allow me to explain: DGFC shuts off their generators between 2-5 PM and from 11 PM – 11 AM. I must have woken up during the latter period to use the loo. Thankfully I am still quite alive.

This morning I awoke to another great (and welcome) surprise– after sleeping with my feet on a pillow, my ankles look normal!

Just found out that though we normally only have power for a few hours per day, when a field course is here, the power stays on from 7 AM to 11 PM, and guess what? Field course starts tomorrow for 10 days.

Very low-key day today, as I am supposed to relax and acclimate to the climate. Sat around and chatted with Kila for awhile, and then laid in a hammock, alongside Joe during his break, accompanied by Doyo, Yusri, and Alut. Masayo (from Japan) joined us today as another new volunteer.

I was feeling pretty good (I rarely am affected much by jet-lag), so I joined Charlie and Aubrey on a nightwalk in the jungle. We saw a whiptail scorpion, several spiders (including a giant orange huntsman), a very interesting species of centipede, and some frogs. It was really enjoyable, though still quite warm and very humid.

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