Communication with Melinda Garcia

Melinda Garcia, Ph.D.
OSU Extension Service
Phone: Work: 541-844-0129 cell: 210-954-3331

Q: What are the main forms of communication found in 4-H?

A: The main forms of communication in 4-H are: public speaking, record books, explanation cards, journaling, and newsletters

Q: What is one highlight of effective communication?

A: One form of effective communication is being able to share with others as methods of informing while presenting using PPT.

Q: What is one challenge you encounter with communication?

A: One encounter with communication, especially in writing, is that individuals do not provide details. The more details (adjectives), the better. When individuals are able to express themselves either in writing or presenting, stories come to life!!

Q: How did you start your communication path?

A: I have always enjoyed writing and public speaking is natural for me. I am a people person that is passionate about life and my energy allows me to communicate effectively.

Q: Are there any tips you have for communication? If so, where is more information that can be found about these tips?

A: Yes, READ! Knowledge is power. Reading allows us to grow our vocabulary. When we have an extensive vocabulary, we are able to express ourselves better when we speak and write. Practice speaking in front of a mirror. Better yet, record yourself and can see how you are wen you speak. Provide eye contact. Eye contact shows you are CONFIDENT! Smile. Relax-you got this! Try not to use “fillers” when you speak (uhhh, you know, words that are often repeated, watch your hands-try not to gesture too much, try not to rock back and forth), they can be DISTRACTING.

Q: Are there any upcoming lessons or workshops focused around 4-H communication?

A: If you are interested in more communication workshops, please email me and we discuss possible workshops to help others as well!