Juntos Mom

Ines Juntos Mom
Kyle Yeager Photography


I remember before my oldest son started high school. He would ask me, “Mom, do you think I can do it?” I would say, “I believe you can, but it’s not important for me to think you can. It’s important for you to think you can.” I wanted them to feel confident, and I wanted to know better how to support them with school.

Juntos helped our whole family! My oldest son really grew up his freshman year, became more serious about school, and much more confident. I feel welcome attending parent teacher conferences, games, and activities at school. My youngest son is almost embarrassed by how much I participate at school now! My oldest tells him “it’s important.”

I really hope that my sons can study and prepare themselves for what they really like and want in the future. Whether college is two years or eight years, whatever they really want, I will support them.

And Juntos has supported me! I have volunteered for the program after my sons’ first session, and they invited me to be a leader. I am personally preparing for my GED, and the other moms are cheering me on! If even I can go to college classes, my sons can too.


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