So far into the semester I have identified one strength in myself. I have found that I learn best by listening. In some of my online classes, the professors have posted video lectures on each weeks’ reading. I have found this very helpful in learning the material each week. It helps the online courses feel more like going to an actual class. I have also been surprised about how much time I have had to spend each week doing school work. I underestimated the amount of time that online learning would require, which, has also became one of my greatest struggles thus far. I also have a full time job along with going to school online. It so far has been difficult to balance work, school, and my social life. I feel that so far my school work has been pushed to the back burner. I am trying to work to fix this. I have been trying to develop a daily routine that allows me to work on homework at the same time each day everyday. It is taking some getting used to, but so far it seems to be working.