Category: Uncategorized

  • Health Insurance in Oregon by Age

    The US Census’ American Community Survey has data that can answer an unlimited amount of questions about our population. When interpreted correctly, it can reveal detailed statistics that lay the foundation for decisions on policies and planning. I created data visualizations based on health insurance in Oregon, organized by age, and found the relationship in…

  • VALS Survey – A Weak Segmentation Tool

    As a professional marketer, you know that people buy products and services based on their lifestyles. Beyond basic geographic and demographic variables, psychographic segmentation is key to successfully connecting the right product or services with the right group of customers. With today’s growing technology, professional marketers use an array of different tools for market segmentation.…

  • Media and Cultural Influences: Women of Color and Mothers in the Workforce

    While the proportion of women and ethnic minorities in the labor force has increased, there is still a large occupational difference between women and men. In fact, there are only 23 female CEOs in the 500 largest companies in the US, and only two of them are minorities. Since maternal and domestic responsibilities are constructed…

  • Scar: My Side of the Story

    I was rejected from the day I was born.  Let’s go back to day one.  The Tree of Life stood tall and prosperous in the pride lands. As the dry, hot wind grazed brittle yellow grass, giraffes were sipping water from a tranquil pond. Antelopes and zebras were grazing in a nearby field. Elephants were…

  • Apple’s Customer Driven Marketing and Dimensions of Marketing Strategy

    Apple evolves outside the boundaries with brilliant customer driven marketing. The average person sees thousands of advertisements each day, so the company employs strategic tactics to stand apart from the competition – essentially, simplifying the decision-making process and focusing on a positive customer experience. The value proposition of Apple simply states a product should be…