Recap Of The Course

This course has given me the opportunity to work with a content management system like WordPress. This setup provided an externally managed site structure, hosting, and scripts, which allowed me to focus on the content material without worrying about the underlying source code.

The study of the variances between each gender also presented me with a lot of new ideas and views to consider. Throughout this course, I have a conscious effort to find and present controversial or seldom mentioned theories in order to expand the breadth of the discussions for purely academic purposes. By doing this, I have learned about social issues from a variety of different perspectives throughout society. Overall, I feel I have gained, and helped spread, a wide view and balanced view to pursue social equality.

I will continue to use various mediums that we worked with in my future such as PDFs and screenshots. As an Ecampus student I have a feeling I will have to use these in future classes to communicate with my fellow students and professors.

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