Get Involved!

I remember after high school graduation the advice I got from so many was to get involved when you go to college. Every time I asked for advice it always seemed to lead to the same answer…. That answer was always get involved and join clubs. I never really understood why so many people told me to get involved until I started college and realized that joining clubs was one key to a successful college experience for me.

The experiences I have gained from the clubs I joined are experiences I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to even dream of doing on my own. For example I joined the Dairy Club and through that club I got the opportunity to travel to Washington and Canada to learn an abundance of new things about the dairy industry. I was also involved in the Ag Executive Council last year and attended meetings. That involvement led to me going on the Industry tour where I got to tour several successful Oregon Ag Businesses.

The personal growth, knowledge, and experience that I got from these opportunities were life changing and will contribute to my future success. The reason I even got these opportunities is because I took the advice I received before starting high school seriously and GOT INVOLVED!

Here are a few more reasons why you should get involved with clubs here at Oregon State University:

  1. It allows you to become connected to your school
  2. It helps you build community
  3. It allows you to discover your passions and strengths
  4. It’s a résumé builder

There are so many remarkable clubs for you to get involved with in the College of Agricultural Sciences and even in the other colleges. Don’t miss out on life changing opportunities and join a new club.

Here is a list of the clubs that you can get involved with in the College of Agricultural Sciences:


Ag Ed

Bird Nerds

Botnany and Plant Pathology


Collegiate 4-H

Country Western Dance

Crop Science Club

Dairy Club

Fisheries and Wildlife

Fisheries and Wildlife GRAD

Food and fermentation

Forestry Club

Goat Club


International Ag Club


Organic Growers club

PVMA (pre-vet)

Poultry Science


Sheep Club

Sigma Alpha
