CAS Student Is Featured In The Gazette Times For Her Hard Work In Agriculture

Marine Torres, a student in the College of Agricultural Sciences at Oregon State University is working hard to help people around the world have access to clean water. She said “A lot of children die from a lack of clean water, or just a lack of water, I thought that was unacceptable.” Torres came to OSU after finding the many opportunities available for undergraduates in her chosen major biosource research. This major became available to students 20 years ago in the College of Agricultural Sciences giving students the ability to work with faculty members and have incredible research projects. It also has a 100 percent success rate for students coming out of school and finding a career or moving onto graduate school within 3 months. This year Torres will be a fifth-year senior and her plans for the future include graduate school, getting into a public health program and later on working with other countries. To read more follow the link below.