Food and Fermentation Science Club Presents Oktoberfest!

This fall’s Food and Fermentation Science Club Annual Oktoberfest celebration was held in Avery Park on October 15th and boasted more than 160 attendees, including students, faculty of the Department of Food Science and Technology, and food professionals. The goal was to welcome new students, provide a place for students to meet professors and professionals in a relaxed setting, and have an excuse to make and eat food.

Two days before Michelle McCafferty, a member of the club who is graduating with a minor in Food Technology this December, led a group of students to make 100 pounds of pork bratwurst in the Clark Meat Lab, part of the Animal Science Department. The brats were boiled in experimental beer donated by Jeff Clausen, Pilot Plant Manager. Dr. Andrew Ross of the Food Science and Crop and Soil Science Departments is teaching a Bread Fermentation class this term. His students produced 200 traditional pretzels to share with the crowd. Club Brewmasters Jeb Hollabaugh and Callan Vaccaro produced homemade rootbeer and raspberry soda.

Changes in the homebrew laws this year meant that the club could not produce their own beer for the event, so they turned to local breweries for support. Deschutes Brewery donated a fresh hop ale, Oregon Trail Brewery donated an imperial red, and Flat Tail Brewery donated a brown ale..

Local food companies got in on the donations as well. Kettle Foods donated 6 flavors of chips, Oregon Spice Company donated a custom blended seasoning for the brauts, Rogue Rover Creamery donated various cheeses, Beaverton Foods sent a variety of specialty mustards, Reser’s Fine Foods sent their Bavarian Potato salad, and Nearly Normal’s Gonzo Cuisine sent their delicious Sunburgers.

The Food and Fermentation Science Club is based out of the Department of Food Science and Technology in the College of Agriculture, however students from all majors are welcome to join. Meetings are the first Wednesday of every month at 5pm in Wiegand Hall. Get on the email list to find out about upcoming events by going to