What Lies Beyond…?

Its time to start looking forward. After all, for many of us we are around 2 weeks way from completing a pretty awesome accomplishment. I think capstone has be a great final OSU experience to end with.

I feel like capstone has really allowed me to connect with software engineering at a professional level. This has given great insight into what the profession might actually be like. But now as we get close to the end, I find myself wondering what lies beyond all this? I personally think the future is a bright one and the possibilities are endless.

In my new position I am able to actually code and apply the skills I gained here in school. It is really amazing being able to contribute on a professional team using computer science to enhance productivity. It shouldn’t be a surprise though. I mean,
we have all worked on plenty of teams to overcome challenging projects. Now that I am finally getting some coding experience at work its like the beginning of the next chapter. I’m so happy to see where this all takes me. I have plans for some projects after school, and even plans of what I will be doing with my newly gained spare time.

Starting an exercise regimen is absolutely part of my plan. I am more stagnant than ever now and its good to get moving for some of the day. I am now a life long learner and computer scientist…truth is, I always was. It just took the discipline of school to get me to sit still long enough to actually get something out of it. Good luck to all of you in everything you go on to do! It’s been a great ride and I hope to work with some of you one day.

As always, thanks for reading…

The Mighty Code Beard

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