Keep Going!

This week was hard…but hey it happens. If there is a take away I have learned from capstone project about software engineering, it’s that sometimes you don’t feel like you’re getting anywhere or making progress….but rest assured you are.

Looking back to the project plan, I am realizing that the amount of hours I estimated for certain tasks was grossly underestimated. Project management is a skill carefully honed by years of experience and when the workload ends up being a lot it can cause burnout. As a result sometimes we need to take a night off and just breath and relax. It’s important to take care of ourselves so that we can continue to do the work we love. After all, we all became software engineers because of some deep interest in technology.

Aside from work we all juggle a lot. Work, school, family obligations……the list can go on. But we have to keep going! In many ways his blog has been helpful to vent and express things to potentially help others. I never used to like writing but I suddenly find myself seeking it out as a therapeutic escape from daily stresses. I hope you all are having a great term and that your projects are going well. Keep going and take care of yourselves!

Thanks for reading, and as always, happy coding!

The Mighty Code Beard

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