Today feels like we made it!

Photo Credits: Ian Staufer

Today was a good day! That’s it really … it just was. We have around a month or so left of school for the term and if we are still here reading these. Chances are we are learning and doing some cool things.

This week in my own capstone…in fact, over the past two weeks. I have been feeling stretched thin. After all, the progress we have made its excited to think about our accomplishments. My group as learned a lot.

Project management has proven to be a tough task at times. The complexity of cloud solutions, has been challenging, frustrating and exciting. Container images don’t always build how you expect. Do we need to convert this legacy project to a new framework using a special command line tool? It goes on and on… However we are doing it ….. we are slowly becoming software engineers!

For most of us this is our last term before graduation and these are probably the most challenging projects we have worked on. But we have made it and we are doing it. This has been quite a journey and recently for me, it paid off.

As of this past Monday I started working in a brand new capacity as a Geospatial Analyst. I was previously a Forest Technician and then a Forester for the past nine years. In all of that time I never thought I would be here. This new role is going to give me my first professional experience writing code at work. The neat thing about this is that as the journey of school is ending, a new chapter in life and next career is just in its most early stages.

I hope that all of you are having luck with interviews and ongoing job searches. It can be tough out there, but in the end we will make it. Good luck on the rest of your projects and as always, thanks for reading.

The Mighty Code Beard

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