This is an Emergency!

Photo Credits: Spencer Davis

So the first two weeks have passed and things are slowly starting to take shape. The first week proved to be challenging in ways I hadn’t foreseen. Trying to find a project and teammates who are interested on working on the same thing was quite a challenge. While picking from the pre – canned project ideas, I explored a couple of different options. There was a 3D printing project, a web app to find Farms close by for Oregonians, A JS fiddle style web app for compiling C/C++….quite a variety. I must admit, at first I wasn’t very drawn to any of them.

Before I make the big reveal, I think I should give a little bit more background about myself. For the past 8 years I have been a wildland firefighter. The most recent 5 of those years, I have been employed as a Fire Forester. During this time I have seen many deployments all over the country and even worked my way into leadership. I know what you’re probably thinking…what in the world does that have to do with software engineering? The funny thing is ….I have been asking myself the same thing

On the road to becoming a Software Engineer I have been wondering on how I my best blend my full skill set together. I do have 8 years of experience with geospatial information systems (GIS). The more I search for jobs the more I realize that I do have a unique skill set that some companies would desire. It just so happens that the final project I found when searching for my capstone project was Code3-Response partnered with Levrum Data Technologies.

This company builds software that helps emergency jurisdictions using machine learning in order to make strategic planning decisions. I also allows them to measure their effectiveness and even simulate different staffing paradigms. This data driven approach to emergency response is definitely the future of the sector and I am so excited to have found and been accepted to this project along with my team! I look forward to breaking ground and having a positive impact on emergency response!

Thanks for reading, and as always, happy coding!

The Mighty Code Beard

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